quinta-feira, outubro 26, 2017

O inferno é um pub irlandês.

"Christopher Moltisanti: I'm going to hell, T.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: You're not going anywheres but home.
Christopher Moltisanti: I crossed over to the other side.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: You what?
Christopher Moltisanti: I saw the tunnel. And the white light. I saw my father in hell.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Get the fuck outta here!
Christopher Moltisanti: And the bouncer said that I'd be there, too, when my time comes.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: What bouncer?
Christopher Moltisanti: The Emerald Piper. That's our hell. It's an Irish bar where it's St. Patrick's Day every day forever."

"Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Excuse me, let me tell you something... When America opened up the floodgates and let all us Italians in, what do you think they were doing it for? 'Cause they were trying to save us from poverty? No, they did it because they needed us. They needed us to build their cities and dig their subways, and to make them richer. The Carnegies and The Rockerfellers: they needed worker bees and there we were. But some of us didn't want to swarm around their hive and lose who we were. We wanted to stay Italian and preserve the things that meant something to us: honor and family and loyalty... and some of us wanted a piece of the action. Now we weren't educated like the Americans, but we had the BALLS to take what we wanted! And those other folks, those other... the, the JP Morgans, they were crooks and killers too, but that was the business right? The American Way."

Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: That bouncer that sent you back, did he have horns on his head? 
Christopher Moltisanti: No. He was just some big irish goon in old fashioned clothes.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Did anybody there have horns or buds for horns, those goat bumps? 
Christopher Moltisanti: Paulie, it was fucking hell, okay? My father said he looses every hand of cards he plays. And every night at midnight they whack him the same way he was whacked in life and it's painful, night after night. Does that sound like fucking heaven to you? 
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Was it hot? 
Christopher Moltisanti: Yeah... i don't know.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: What the fuck? The heat would've been the first thing you noticed. Hell is hot. That's never been disputed by anybody. You didn't go to hell. You went to purgatory, my friend.
Christopher Moltisanti: I forgot all about purgatory.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Purgatory, a little detour on the way to paradise.
Christopher Moltisanti: How long you think we gotta stay there? 
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: That's different for everybody. You add up all your mortal sins, multiply that number by 50, then you add up all your venial sins and multiply that by 25. You add them together, and that's your sentence. I figure i'm gonna have to do about 6, 000 years before i get accepted into heaven. And 6, 000 years is nothing in eternity terms."

"Priest: It's divination, it's the devil. They're completely unsanctioned by the church. Psychics are heretics and thieves who practice witchcraft. There's no validity to anything he told you. Your problem's a spiritual matter.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Maybe. But irregardless, i should've had immunity to all of this shit. I should've been covered by my donations. When the organ needed a reed job who was there? When the priest and the alter boys needed new whites, who picked up the tab? 
Priest: You should've come to me first and none of this would've happened. But don't worry, Paul, i'm here. I can help you.
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: It's too late. You've been slacking off on me and you left me unprotected. I'm cutting you off for good. You ain't never gonna see another dime from me."

sábado, outubro 21, 2017

lost dreams.

Tu não me amas. Não te convenças disso. Não comeces, sequer, a ponderá-lo. Quem ama, sofre. Eu já vivi luas suficientes para saber como estas histórias acabam, antes de acabar. Mulheres como tu, mais ou menos ingénuas, mais ou menos voluptuosas, mais ou menos promiscuas, do que tu, entraram pela  vida minha dentro com uma aura imaculada de salvação. O meu escudo de recusas, ou a minha paixão em riste, repeliram-nas a todas em pouco mais do que umas semanas. O Sun Tzu devia ter-me estudado a mim. Porque o meu coração é facilmente atíngivel, mas intransponível. Não achas suspeito que alguém sobreviva sozinho e sem esperança estes anos todos? Por isso, não me ames. Não penses como seria: já o fiz, e já voltei. Foi lindo, mas acabará mal. 

terça-feira, outubro 10, 2017

voar & cair a pique

"O teu sabor na minha boca
O teu cheiro na minha roupa
Quem nos veja de fora 
vê que bates forte cá dentro 
e que este relacionamento 
vai de vento em popa

Mas tu sabes que eu tenho outra
Aliás tu sabes que tento outras
Mas acabo sempre à tua porta 
cheio de esperança morta 
a prometer que as deixo todas

Porque acredito nisto tipo bieber
Bebi até ser um hepatite B liver
Quando te vi cold Nat'ally tive fever
Dame más gasolina, tu és Adictiva
Como um parasita precisas de um corpo vita
És um estereótipo e ele tipo histérico tripa
'Tás viva no meu sangue, suor e saliva
Nunca tive tão cativo de algo que cativa"

quinta-feira, outubro 05, 2017

as cidades invisíveis

"As retretes das casas-de-banho modernas erguem-se do chão como uma flor branca de nenúfar. Os arquitectos fazem os impossíveis para que o corpo esqueça a sua miséria e para que o homem não saiba o que acontece às dejecções das suas vísceras quando a água do autoclismo, a gorgolejar, as expulsa da vista. Embora os seus tentáculos se prolonguem até nossas casas, os canos de esgoto estão sempre cuidadosamente disfarçados e por isso não sabemos absolutamente nada a respeito das invisíveis Venezas de merda sobre as quais se encontram construídas as nossas casas de banho, os nossos quartos, os nossos salões de baile e os nossos parlamentos."

Milan Kundera, "A Insustentável Leveza do Ser"